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Lack of strategy

Lack of long-term and strategic planning in project development

Lots of cryptocurrency projects do not have any long-term plans. Or they develop Roadmaps, but ignore them later.

8.Finance's main goal is to become a leader in the Crypto EduFi & GameFi market through the benefits we bring to our community and partners.

We want to spread at least a basic understanding of how cryptocurrency works, what are the potential risks and simple security rules. And meet these goals in a win-win-win way with our users, partners and investors by creating useful and in-demand services for all of them.

For example, Educational Videos:

  • users get knowledge and rewards in NFTs or tokens of our partners (or in game assets);

  • partners get new users and increase their brand awareness;

  • our investors benefit because partners have to pay us for this service, and part of the revenue goes to buyback and burn of 8F tokens (it may increase the price of 8F tokens).

To achieve our goals, we have developed a thoughtful Roadmap for the years ahead.

Last updated